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Preference Analysis for Flower Jewelry Using Conjoint Analysis

Preference Analysis for Flower Jewelry Using Conjoint Analysis

DOI : 10.11628/ksppe.2022.25.3.253

Background and objective: This study was conducted to determine the preferences in flower jewelry by conducting a surveyusing conjoint analysis on the perception of flower jewelry and provide basic data for development of flower jewelryproducts. Methods: For the conjoint analysis, four attributes of flower jewelry were selected. Attribute 1 was related to the mainmaterial of flower jewelry, presented in three levels: cut flowers, potted flowers, and processed flowers. Attribute 2 wasrelated to wearing area presented in five levels of wearing area: hair, neck, ear, arm (wrist) and chest (shoulder). Attribute3 was related to price provided for selling products in flower shops, presented in three levels: less than 30,000 won,50,000-70,000 won, and more than 100,000 won. Attribute 4 was related to flower jewelry wearing time, presented inthree levels: less than 6 hours, 12-24 hours, and more than 24 hours. After extracting 25 profiles through orthogonaldesign, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 402 general participants, from which the responses of 343 participantswere analyzed. Results: By attribute of flower jewelry, the respondents attached most importance to price (34.14%), followed by wearingarea (29.18%), wearing time (18.51%), and material (18.17%), proving that the general public attached most importanceto price (Pearson's R = .987, p = .000). The preference in levels by attribute was highest for processed flowers in material,less than 30,000 won in price, hair in wearing area, and 12-24 hours in wearing time. Conclusion: By making flower jewelry based on the results of the analysis, it would be possible to help increase items soldin flower shops as well as their income.


Research Methods

Results and Discussion


