최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

다층배선을 위한 구리박막 형성기술

Deposition Technology of Copper Thin Films for Multi-level Metallizations

A low temperature process technology of copper thin films has been developed by a chemical vapor deposition technology for multi-level metallzations in ULSI fabrication. The copper films were deposited on TiN/Si substrates in helium atmosphere with the substrate temperature between 130℃ and 250℃. In order to get more reliable metallizations, effects on the post-annealing treatment to the electrical properties of the copper films have been investigated. The Cu films were annealed at the 5 ×10⁻⁶ Torr vacuum condition and the electrical resistivity and the nano-structures were measured for the Cu films. The electrical resistivity of Cu films shown to be reduced by the post-annealing. The electrical resistivity of 2.0 μ Ω·cm was obtained for the sample deposited at the substrate temperature of 180℃ after vacuum annealed at 300℃. The resistivity variations of the films was not exactly matched with the size of the nano-structures of the copper grains, but more depended on the contamination of the copper films.

1. 서론

2. 실험 방법

3. 실험결과 및 논의

감사의 글

