최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Electroless Copper Plating For Metallization of Electronic Devices

Electroless Copper Plating For Metallization of Electronic Devices

In copper metallization, resistivity of copper seed layer is very important. Conventionally MOCVD has been used for this purpose however electroless copper plating is simple process and the resistivity of copper deposit is less than that of copper prepared by MOCVD. In this study electroless copper plating was conducted on different substrate to find optimum conditions of electroless copper plating for electronic applications. To find optimum conditions, the effects and selectivity of activation method on several substrates were investigated. The effects of copper bath composition on morphology were investigated. The effects of pH and stabilizer on deposition rate were also investigated. The optimum pH of the bath was 12 with addition of stabilizer. The resistivity of copper was decreased with addition of stabilizer and alter heat treatment.

1. Introduction

2. Experimental Procedure

3. Result and Discussion

4. Conclusion


