최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Adhesion Enhancement of Thin Film Metals on Polyimide Substrates by Bias Sputtering

Adhesion Enhancement of Thin Film Metals on Polyimide Substrates by Bias Sputtering

Al, Ti, Ta 및 Cr 박막을 DC 마그네트론 스퍼터링방법으로 0 - 800 W의 RF 바이어스로 폴리이미드 기판에 가하면서 증착한 후 금속박막의 접착성을 연구하였다. 접착력은 90° 필 테스트로 평가하였다. 필 테스트 결과 모든 시편에서 기판에 RF 바이어스를 가하면 접착력이 향상되었다. RF바이어스를 가한 시편은 필링 도중 계면근처의 폴리이미드 내에서 파괴가 일어나면서 소성변형이 심하게 발생하였다. 단면 투과전자현미경 관찰에 의하면 금속/폴리이미드 계면은 분명하지 않고 복잡한 형상을 띄고 있었다. 이런 복잡한 계면은 RF 바이어스의 영향으로 생겼으며 접착력 향상의 주요 요인이었다.

Al, Ti, Ta, and Cr thin films were deposited on a polyimide substrate using DC magnetron sputter to study the adhesion characteristics of metal films on polyimide substrates, while RF bias of 0 - 400 W was applied to the substrate during DC sputtering. The adhesion strength was evaluated using a 90-degree peel test. The peel tests showed that the adhesion strength was enhanced by applying the RF bias to the substrate in all specimens. Scanning electron microscopy and Auger depth profile of the fractured surfaces indicate that the polyimide underwent cohesive failure during peeling and heavy deformation was also observed in the metal films peeled from the polyimide substrate when the RF bias applied during the deposition. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy revealed that the metal/polyimide interface was not clear and complicated. This complicated interface, likely formed due to the RF bias applied to the substrate, was attributed to the adhesion enhancement observed during the bias sputtering.

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