최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Effects of Asymmetric Distribution of Charged Defects on the Hysteresis Curves of Ferroelectric Capacitors

Effects of Asymmetric Distribution of Charged Defects on the Hysteresis Curves of Ferroelectric Capacitors

When a ferroelectric film has an inhomogeneous distribution of charged defects, a voltage shift in the polarization curve is induced by the internal field generated in the film. The direction and the magnitude of voltage shift in the P-V hysteresis curves obtained by the Sawyer-Tower method are different from those obtained by the virtual ground method. In this study, the asymmetric behavior in the P-V hysteresis curves of inhomogeneous ferroelectric films was investigated with a physical model and the polarization curves obtained by the Sawyer-Tower and the virtual ground methods are compared.

1. Introduction

2. Modeling of P-v Cure

3. Results and Discussion

4. Conclusion


