최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

UV 차단 금속막을 이용한 잔류층이 없는 UV 나노 임프린트 패턴 형성

UV-nanoimprint Patterning Without Residual Layers Using UV-blocking Metal Layer

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나노 임프린트 (NIL)와 포토 리소그라피를 접목시킨 combined nanoimprint and photolithography (CNP) 기술을 이용하여 나노 미세 패턴을 형성하였다. 일반적인 UV-NIL 스탬프의 양각 패턴 위에 Cr 금속막을 입힌 hybrid mask mold (HMM)을 E-beam writing과 plasma etching으로 제작하였다. HMM 전면에는 친수성 물질인 SiO₂를 코팅하여 점착방지막 역할의 self-assembled monolayer(SAM) 형성을 용이하게 함으로써 HMM과 transfer layer의 분리를 용이하게 하여 패턴 손상을 억제하였다. 또한, transfer layer에는 일반적인 monomer resin 대신에 건식 에칭에 대한 저항력이 높은 negative PR을 사용하였다. Photo-mask 역할을 하는 HMM의 Cr 금속막이 UV를 차단하여 잔류하게 되는 PR의 비경화층(unexpected residual layer)은 간단한 현상 공정으로 제거하여 PR 잔류층이 없는 나노 미세 패턴을 transfer layer에 형성하였다.

We propose a new approach to greatly simplify the fabrication of conventional nanoimprint lithography (NIL) by combined nanoimprint and photolithography (CNP). We introduce a hybrid mask mold (HMM) made from UV transparent material with a UV-blocking Cr metal layer placed on top of the mold protrusions. We used a negative tone photo resist (PR) with higher selectivity to substrate the CNP process instead of the UV curable monomer and thermal plastic polymer that has been commonly used in NIL. Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on HMM plays a reliable role for pattern transfer when the HMM is separated from the transfer layer. Hydrophilic SiO₂ thin film was deposited on all parts of the HMM, which improved the formation of SAM. This SiO₂ film made a sub-10nm formation without any pattern damage. In the CNP technique with HMM, the 'residual layer' of the PR was chemically removed by the conventional developing process. Thus, it was possible to simplify the process by eliminating the dry etching process, which was essential in the conventional NIL method.

1. 서론

2. Combined Nanoimprint and Photolithography(CNP)기술

3. Results and Discussion

4. Conclusion


