This survey was conducted to investigate the species, area, water depth and density of seagrass to the south east coast using field survey (SCUBA diving) and drone aerial photography. The occurrence seagrass in this survey were 6 station of Geoje (Yegu, Gujora, Dadae, Dapo, Geunpo, and Daepo) and 5 station of Tongyeong (Chuwon, Bongam, Changgwa, Yeomho, and Chukpo), and Zostera marina, Zostera caespitosa, and Halophila nipponica were investigated. Habitat area was the largest at 20,788 m2 in the Dadae and the smallest area was 51 m2 in the Chukop. Density was highest at 182.4 shoots/m2 in Geunpo and lowest at 89.6 shoots/m2 in Yeomho. Most of the water depths were around 3 m, but in Bongam, it was found that even at 7 m depth, the form of the Zostera marina was grassland and the Zostera caespitosa was distributed in the form of a patch. Compared with the previous studies, the area was increased or decreased depending on the survey region, but the occurrence species did not find Zostera caulescens, Zostera japonica, Phyllospadix iwatensis.
1. 서론
2. 재료 및 방법
3. 결과
4. 고찰
5. 결론