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부산 육상 지역 탄소보유량 및 경제적 가치 평가

Assessment of Carbon Storage and Economic Value of Terrestrial Area in Busan, Korea

DOI : 10.33214/kees.2021.8.1.23
  • 15

Studies on estimating and assessing carbon storage related to natural-based solutions that reduce carbon by utilizing ecosystems, one of the carbon neutral strategies to cope with climate change, are being conducted. In this study, assessment of carbon storage and economic value of terrestrial area area in Busan were conducted using the Carbon model of InVEST, an ecosystem service-based assessment model. As a result of the study, it was found that the current terrestrial area increased from the past time due to the development of coastal stations and urban areas, but the amount of carbon storage decreased. Dong-Busan and Gijang-gun, which have the largest area, had the highest carbon storage per unit area. In the case of Gijang-gun, the rate of reduction in carbon storage was the largest among administrative districts. In order to realize carbon neutrality in Busan, it is necessary to minimize the impact on the carbon storage capacity of important ecosystems by comparing the current status of carbon storage and the amount of carbon changes caused by development.

1. 서론

2. 연구방법

3. 결과 및 고찰

4. 결론

