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식물 생장 촉진제를 활용한 해조류 실내 배양 연구

A study on indoor culture of marine algae using plant growth promoters

DOI : 10.33214/kees.2021.8.1.31
  • 39

This study was conducted to understand the effect of biostimulants on the growth of marine algae. The biostimulants used in the experiment were fulvic acid, DS and TH products, and Ulva australis and Pterocladiella capillacea were used as experimental materials. The concentrations of the biostimulants used in the experiment were 0.1, 1.0 and 10%, and the water temperature was 20.5℃and cultured under 12:12 LD conditions. The U. australis cultured with fulvic acid to grew at 1.0% at 5.48mm after 1 week, 6.55 mm after 2 weeks, 7.03 mm after 3 weeks, and 8.29 mm after 5 weeks. P. capillacea grew at 0.1% concentration at 3.66 mm after 3 weeks, and 7.47 mm after 5 weeks, and 1% at 1.49 mm after 3 weeks and 3.79 mm at 5 weeks. As a result, the lower the culture concentration, the higher the growth rate in the experiment for each fulvic acid concentration and the growth rates of fulvic acid and DS were higher than those of TH products. In the future, the optimal concentration of the growth promoter can be identified only when experiments on the initial life history for each marine algae taxon are conducted.

1. 서론

2. 재료 및 방법

3. 결과

4. 고찰

