Total domestic chemical emissions and specific water hazardous substances are gradually increasing. The ‘integrated ecotoxicity management system’ was introduced in 2011, but new hazardous water pollutants are continuously discharged, and the importance of managing the hazardous micropollutants that threaten public safety is increasing. The Nakdong River flows through a highly industrialized and densely populated area, has more pollutant discharge facilities than other rivers. Although several cases of detecting high concentrations of trace hazardous substances have been reported, few studies have been on their risk. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the related research and to assess their ecosystem risk. Various trace hazardous substances, including 36 pharmaceuticals, 29 VOCs, 34 pesticides, and 12 perfluorinated compounds were reported in the mainstream and tributaries of the Nakdong River and after water purification. As a result of estimating the hazard quotient (HQ) for six substances detected in high concentrations by taxon among the investigated trace hazardous substances, the HQ of Clarithromycin was over 1.0, which may have a negative impact on the ecosystem. In addition to the establishment or reinforcement of water quality standards for trace hazardous substances, special management is required.
1. 서론
2. 연구방법
3. 결과 및 고찰
4. 결론