Cu 머쉬룸 범프를 적용한 플립칩 접속부의 접속저항
Contact Resistance of the Flip-Chip Joints Processed with Cu Mushroom Bumps
- 한국마이크로전자및패키징학회
- 마이크로전자 및 패키징학회지
- 제15권 제3호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2008.09
- 9 - 17 (9 pages)
전기도금법으로 Cu 머쉬룸 범프를 형성하고 Sn 기판 패드에 플립칩 본딩하여 Cu 머쉬룸 범프 접속부를 형성하였으며, 이의 접속저항을 Sn planar 범프 접속부와 비교하였다. 19.1~95.2 MPa 범위의 본딩응력으로 형성한 Cu머쉬룸 범프 접속부는 15mΩ/bump의 평균 접속저항을 나타내었다. Cu머쉬룸 범프 접속부는 Sn planar범프 접속부에 비해 더 우수한 접속저항 특성을 나타내었다. 캡 표면에 1~w4μm 두께의 Sn 코팅층을 전기도금한 Cu 머쉬룸 범프 접속부의 접속저항은 Sn 코팅층의 두께에 무관하였으나 캡 표면의 Sn코팅층을 리플로우 처리한 Cu머쉬룸 범프 접속부에서는 접속저항이 Sn 코팅층의 두께와 리플로우 시간에 크게 의존하였다.
Cu mushroom bumps were formed by electrodeposition and flip-chip bonded to Sn substrate pads. Contact resistances of the Cu-mushroom-bump joints were measured and compared with those of the Sn-planar-bump joints. The Cu-mushroom-bump joints, processed at bonding stresses ranging from 19.1 to 95.2 MPa, exhibited contact resistances near 15mΩ/bump. Superior contact-resistance characteristics to those of the Sn-planar-bump joints were obtained with the Cu-mushroom-bump joints. Contact resistance of the Cu-mushroom-bump joints was not dependent upon the thickness of the as-elecroplated Sn-capcoating layer ranging from 1μm to 4μm. When the Sn-cap-coating layer was reflowed, however, the contact resistance was greatly affected by the thickness and the reflow time of the Sn-cap-coating layer.
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