최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

다이렉트 프린팅용 청정 금속 및 세라믹 나노 입자 잉크 기술 동향

Trends on Technology of Eco-friendly Metal and Ceramic Nanoparticle Inks for Direct Printing

  • 15

In this paper, trends on technology of metal and ceramic nanoparticle inks using eco-friendly process were reviewed. There are two types of eco-friendly processes, dry and wet. In case of dry process, gas evaporation process was being used to synthesize the ultrafine nanoparticles. Also, in case of wet process, low temperature process excluding harmful elements such as Cl⁻ and NO³⁻ was being used to synthesize the ultrafine nanoparticles. Sizes of nanoparticles were less than 10 nm using the eco-friendly processes, and the nanoparticles were well dispersed into ink solvent. The ink was successfully applied to fabricate directly printed pattern.

1. 서론

2. 나노입자 잉크의 기술 동향

3. 다이렉트 프린팅의 향후 전망

4. 요약

