Design Optimization of Ball Grid Array Packaging by the Taguchi Method
- 한국마이크로전자및패키징학회
- 마이크로전자 및 패키징학회지
- 제17권 제4호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2010.12
- 67 - 72 (6 pages)
In this paper, a design optimization of ball grid array packaging geometry is studied based on the Taguchi method, which allowed robust design by considering the variance of the input parameters during the optimization process. Molding compound and substrate were modeled as viscoelastic, and finite element analyses were performed to calculate the strain energy densities of the eutectic solder balls. Six quality factors of the dimensions of the packaging geometry were chosen as control factors. After performing noise experiments to determine the dominant factors, main experiments were conducted to find the optimum packaging geometry. Then the strain energy densities between the original and optimized geometries were compared. It was found that the effects of the packaging geometry on the solder ball reliability were significant, and more than 40% of the strain energy density was reduced by the geometry optimization.
1. Introduction
2. Modeling
3. Conclusions
4. 결론