최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Experimental investigation of Scalability of DDR DRAM packages

A two-facet approach was used to investigate the parametric performance of functional high-speed DDR3 (Double Data Rate) DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) die placed in different types of BGA (Ball Grid Array) packages: wire-bonded BGA (FBGA, Fine Ball Grid Array), flip-chip (FCBGA) and lead-bonded microBGA®. In the first section, packaged live DDR3 die were tested using automatic test equipment using high-resolution shmoo plots. It was found that the best timing and voltage margin was obtained using the lead-bonded microBGA, followed by the wire-bonded FBGA with the FCBGA exhibiting the worst performance of the three types tested. In particular the flip-chip packaged devices exhibited reduced operating voltage margin. In the second part of this work a test system was designed and constructed to mimic the electrical environment of the data bus in a PC’s CPU-Memory subsystem that used a single DIMM (Dual In Line Memory Module) socket in point-to-point and point-to-two-point configurations. The emulation system was used to examine signal integrity for system-level operation at speeds in excess of 6 Gb/pin/sec in order to assess the frequency extensibility of the signal-carrying path of the microBGA considered for future high-speed DRAM packaging. The analyzed signal path was driven from either end of the data bus by a GaAs laser driver capable of operation beyond 10 GHz. Eye diagrams were measured using a high speed sampling oscilloscope with a pulse generator providing a pseudo-random bit sequence stimulus for the laser drivers. The memory controller was emulated using a circuit implemented on a BGA interposer employing the laser driver while the active DRAM was modeled using the same type of laser driver mounted to the DIMM module. A custom silicon loading die was designed and fabricated and placed into the microBGA packages that were attached to an instrumented DIMM module. It was found that 6.6 Gb/sec/pin operation appears feasible in both point to point and point to two point configurations when the input capacitance is limited to 2pF.

1. Introduction

2. Signaling Test System

3. Results and Discussion

