최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) Band-Pass-Filter for Wireless Applications from Silicon Integrated Passive Device (IPD) Technology

  • 4

Currently, there is widespread adoption of silicon-based technologies for the implementation of radio frequency (RF) integrated passive devices (IPDs) because of their low-cost, small footprint and high performance. Also, the need for high speed data transmission and reception coupled with the ever increasing demand for mobility in consumer devices has generated a great interest in low cost devices with smaller form-factors. The UWB BPF makes use of lumped IPD technology on a silicon substrate CSMP (Chip Scale Module Package). In this paper, this filter shows 2.0 dB insertion loss and 15 dB return loss from 7.0 GHz to 9.0 GHz. To the best of our knowledge, the UWB band-pass-filter developed in this paper has the smallest size (1.4mm×1.2mm×0.40mm) while achieving equivalent electrical performance.

1. Introduction

2. IPD Description

4. Conclusions


