최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

무연솔더 접합부 특성향상을 위한 나노복합솔더 기술

Nano-Composite Solder Technology for the Improvement of Solder Joint Properties

  • 15

Nano-composite solders have been studied to improve the properties of Pb-free solder joints. The nanoparticles in the composite solders were carbon nanotubes(CNTs), metals (Ag, Ni, Cr, etc.), ceramics (SiC, ZrO₂, TiB₂, etc.). To fabricate the nano-composite solders, mechanical mixing methods and in-situ fabrication method has been used for well-dispersed nano phase. The characteristic properties of the nano-composite solders were high creep resistance, low undercooling, low IMC growth rate and fine microstructures. More researches on the nano-composite solders are required to improve the processibility and the reliability of the nano-composite solder joints.

1. 서론

2. 나노복합솔더의 제조

3. 나노복합솔더의 특징

4. 나노복합솔더의 문제점 및 연구방향

5. 결론

감사의 글

