첨가제와 잔류응력이 탄소 기지상 무전해 니켈도금에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Additives and Residual Stresses on the Electroless Nickel Plating on Carbon Substrate
- 한국마이크로전자및패키징학회
- 마이크로전자 및 패키징학회지
- 제18권 제4호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2011.12
- 43 - 48 (6 pages)
탄소 기지상에 니켈도금을 하여 다공성 MCFC의 전극으로 사용하기 위하여 탄소 기지위에 산성용액과 염기성용액을 이용하여 무전해 니켈도금을 하였다. 알칼리 용액에서의 도금속도가 산성용액에서의 도금속도보다 빨랐으며 두가지 용액에서 pH가 증가함에 따라 도금속도가 증가하였다. 산성용액에서의 잔류응력은 압축응력을 보였으며 알칼리용액에서는 높은 인장응력을 보였으며 높은 잔류응력으로 인하여 pH 11 이상에서는 표면균열이 발생하였다. Thiourea를 첨가하였을 경우 0.5 ppm까지의 저농도에서 도금속도가 증가하다가 이후 감소하였으며 1.5 ppm 이상에서 두가지 용액에서 모두 도금이 더 이상 진행되지 않았다. Succine 산을 첨가한 경우 5 g/L까지 속도가 증가하다가 감소하여 일정한 값 을 유지하였다.
Electroless nickel platings on carbon substrate were investigated for porous MCFC electrode applications. Acidic bath and alkaline bath were used in electroless nickel plating on carbon substrates. The rate of electroless plating in alkaline bath was faster than that in acidic bath. As pH was increased, the deposition rate was increased in both baths and the content of phosphorus in nickel deposit was decreased. The residual stresses of nickel deposit from acidic bath showed the compressive stress and on the other hand those from alkaline bath showed the high tensile stress. High tensile internal stress in nickel deposit caused the cracks over pH 11. Thiourea was added to both acidic and alkaline bath. The deposition rate of nickel was increased upto 0.5 ppm of thiourea and decreased. The maximum concentration of thiourea for the electroless nickel plating on carbon substrate was 1.5 ppm in both acidic and alkaline bath. Succinic acid was added to acidic bath. Addition of succinic acid up to 5 g/L increased the deposition rate of nickel and beyond which the deposition rate was decreased and maintained.
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