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KCI등재 학술저널

생제 신부의 논산성당 건립 과정 고찰

A Study on the Construction Process of Nonsan Catholic church in the Rev. Singer.

  • 59

본고는 1961년에 완공된 논산성당(루르드의 성모 성당) 건립의 배경 과 추진 과정을 고찰한다. 논산지역은 18세기 말부터 천주교 신앙이 전 파되었고, 1921년 본당 승격으로 이어졌다. 이후 지속적으로 성장한 교 세는 강경본당이 분리되고, 6.25전쟁이 발발하였음에도 불구하고 1950 년대 말에 이르러 3천명에 육박하였다. 당시 주임이었던 생제 신부는 많은 신자들을 수용할 수 있는 새 성당 건립을 추진하였다. 원설계는 프랑스인 Lucien Beun이 하였고, 실시설계는 한국인 건축가 이희태가 맡았다. 공사는 1958년 5월 정지작업을 시작으로 1960년 2월 초석 축복, 이어서 1961년 10월 11일에 봉헌식을 가졌다. 성당 제단부 에는 신비적 아름다움을 더하기 위하여 프랑스 유리화 장인 앙투안 베 사크가 제작한 ‘루르드의 성모’ 발현 장면이 스테인드글라스로 장식되 었다. 성당의 건립에는 다양한 인물들의 협조와 노력이 있었다. 건축에 직접 참여한 건축가와 예술가 외에도 이들을 소개하고 비용을 부담한 후원자

This paper examined the construction process of Nonsan Catholic Church (Notre Dame de Lourdes), which was completed in 1961. In the Nonsan area, the Catholicity spread from the end of the 18th century, and Catholic communities are promoted as parish in 1921. Since then, the congregation has been expanded and gathered 3,000 believers by the end of the 1950s even though Ganggyeong Parish has been split and the Korean War has broken out. Father Singer, who was the head of the church at the time, propelled the construction of a new church that could accommodate a large number of believers. It was originally designed by Frenchman Lucien Beun, and the final design was done by Korean architect Lee Hee-tae. The construction has begun in May, 1958 with flattening the land, and blessing ceremony has been held in Feb, 1960 and dedicatory ceremoy in Oct 11, 1961. The scene of ‘Notre Dame de Lourdes’ was decorated with stained glass created by French glass-painting artist Antoine Beyssac to add mystical beauty in the church altar. For the construction of the church, many people supported and poured efforts. In addition to the architects and artists who participated in the construction, there were sponsors who introduced them and paid expenses, and a great support of the Vatican. As representative sponsors, there were Chang-myon, who was the vice president at the time, Thams Chang, dean of Fine Arts, Seoul National University, and priests and believers from Hesdin Church, the hometown of Father Singer. And with the active support of Father Singer and Nonsan believers, the church was successfully completed. Domestic and foreign renowned politicians and the old villagers sacrified and cooperated for the establishment of Nonsan Catholic Church and it has become an internal component of the monu-mental architecture. In addition, Nonsan Church is the first modernist church built in Chung- nam. As modernist architecture, which is practical and simple aesthetics for city reconstruction was popular in the West after the war, Nonsan Catholic Church is an important example that led the modernist church architecture early in Korea.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 논산본당의 성당 신축 배경

Ⅲ. 논산성당의 구상과 설계

Ⅳ. 논산성당의 건축 과정

Ⅴ. 맺음말
