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KCI등재 학술저널

비대면 시대의 국내 홈인테리어 산업 발전 방안에 관한 연구

A Study on the Development Direction of Domestic Home Interior Industry

  • 9

The novel coronavirus has changed the value and perception of the residential space. With the spread of non-face-to-face and online cultures, the home interior market and industry are growing rapidly. The size of the interior market is expected to expand to about 14 trillion won in 2025, including interior building materials, architecture, and furniture.On top of that, the size of the remodeling market led by construction companies is expected to reach about 49 trillion won this year. As the home interior market grows rapidly, competition among large companies related to interior and furniture is also on the rise. Large companies such as Hanssem, a leader in the home interior industry, furniture and home furnishing company Livart, interior building material company KCC Glass, LX House, interior online platform companies Today House, and Zipdoc are scrambling to enter. The home interior market has been hit by special demand and large companies have entered the market, but the number of consumers still suffering from poor construction is increasing rapidly. In many cases, materials used in the construction process are changed or additional charges are required, but consumers are often damaged because they are not specified in the contract. The home interior market is becoming more cloudy as it enters interior-like fields such as the home furnishing industry, furniture industry, interior online platform industry, and building materials industry. Large companies have jumped into the home interior market, but consumers still have a strong image of distrust, so various measures are needed to leap into the high value-added industry. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to foster the interior industry and protect the rights and interests of consumers by avoiding the indiscriminate expansion of such large companies and seeking reasonable development measures

1. 서 론

2. 비대면의 개념

3. 비대면 시대의 라이프스타일과 홈인테리어의 변화

4. 홈인테리어 및 유사산업 시장 동향과 추이

5. 홈인테리어 업계의 실태

6. 홈인테리어 산업의 문제점과 시사점

7. 결 론

사 사

