In large stadiums around the world, old seats are replaced or refurbished in stadium maintenance ahead of big events such as the soccer championship or the Olympics. Usually, when stadium chairs are replaced, the steel frame is disassembled and sold to metal manufacturers, and the seat parts are sent to plastic recyclers to be partially incinerated and mostly disposed of as waste, putting a load on the environment with a lot of waste. Therefore, in this study, 3R design types were investigated focusing on Reuse, Recycle, and Reduce design cases currently produced or used as an alternative for improving the eco-friendliness and sustainability of the stadium. To this end, the characteristics, reuse, and recycling potential of major materials were investigated with a focus on the types of stadium chairs, and 3R design plans were derived through analysis of various cases and ideas currently developed and applied to the stadium. As a result of the survey, first, the most recyclable materials for stadium chairs were metal, followed by plastic materials. Among plastic materials, PE and PP have the best mechanical and chemical recyclability, and other plastic materials such as PC, PVC, HDPE, and LDPE were also found to have good recyclability. Second, for reuse design, methods of reusing the original design or restoring a discolored chair and disassembling and upcycling each element were investigated. Third, the recycling method was divided into pre-consumer and post-consumer methods and investigated. With the recent development of 3D printers, it can be seen that various types of furniture and products are manufactured by recycling them as 3D printing filaments. Fourth, it can be seen that for the weight reduction design, a structure that is easy to simplify, integrate functions, and disassemble should be prioritized in the design of the stadium chair. Based on this, design considerations for improving the sustainability of domestic stadium chairs in the future and basic data for environment-friendly stadium chair installation standards through 3R design were provided.
1. 서 론
2. 지속가능한 디자인과 3R 디자인
3. 경기장 관람석 의자 유형 및 지속가능한 관람석 의자 조건
4. 경기장 관람석 의자 3R 디자인 사례 분석을 통한 방안 도출
5. 결 론
사 사