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KCI등재 학술저널

지역인프라의 관광자원화 방안 연구

Study on the Strategies for Utilizing Regional Infrastructures as Tourist Attractions

DOI : 10.21447/jusre.2022.13.2.71
  • 97

As a growing number of people participate in tourism activities, the scope of tourism attractions have been continually extended. In particular, tourists tend to experience local culture and everyday life of the region they visit. In this regard, the current study aims to provide the strategies for utilizing regional infrastructures, which are originally built not for recreational purposes, as tourism attractions. This study conceptualized this new approach of tourism development, introduced similar cases, and suggested step-wise strategies for each different types of regional infrastructures, including strategies for improving tourism contents, service environments, and promotions. It also suggested that success of infrastructure tourism requires shifting paradigm in tourism development, systematically calculating the value of regional infrastructure as tourist attractions and the effective collaboration between different fields.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 지역인프라의 관광자원화 개념 및 의의

Ⅲ. 지역인프라 관광자원화 사례 분석

Ⅳ. 지역인프라 관광자원화 방안

Ⅴ. 결론

