최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

기문(己汶)·대사(帶沙), 반파국(伴跛國)위치비정과 임나일본부설

Criticism toward South Korean colonial historians with the theory of "the branch countries created by migrants from their home countries in Korean Peninsula to Japan" by North Korean scholars Kim Seok-hyung and Cho Hee-seung: Regarding the problem of estimating the location of "Gimun", "Daesa", and "Banpaguk"

한반도 남부에 임나일본부가 존재했었다는 주장은 한국 학계나 일본 학계 모두 인정하지 않는 폐기된 학설이라고 일반적으로 표면상 널리 알려져 있다. 그러나 최근 국책 사업으로 지정되어 진행되고 있는 ‘가야사 복원 과 가야 고분군 유네스코 세계유산 등재 추진 사업’에서 등재 추진단이 『일본서기(日本書紀)』에 등장하는 지명인 기문·대사 와 반파국을 비롯한 여러 지명들을 한반도 남부 지방 일대에 비정하므로써 “한반도 남부 임나일본부설”이 학계는 물론이고 일반 국민들에게로 논쟁의 초점이 되어 수면 위로 떠올랐다. “한반도 남부 임나일본부설”은 ‘이미 완전히 극복되었다.’ 라는 것이 현재 남한의 강단 가야사학계의 주장이다. 그러나 남한의 강단 가야사 학계가 과연 일본제국주의 역사학계가 조선을 침략하면서 만들어낸 “한반도 남부 임나일본부설” 을 온전하게 극복했다고 볼 수 있는지는 대단히 의심스럽다. 왜냐하면, 『일본서기』에 등장하는 기문과 대사 그리고 반파국이라는 지명을 각 각 기문은 남원으로 대사는 하동으로 그리고 반파국은 장수군(혹은 성주 또는 고령)으로 위치 비정을 하는 것은, 곧 『일본서기』에 나오는 신공황후가 신라를 정벌하고 임나일본부를 설치했다는 기사 내용과 불가분의 관계로 연결되기 때문이다. 이 논고는 기문과 대사 그리고 반파국을 한반도 남부 지역들에 위치 비정하는 것은 “한반도 남부 임나일본부설”을 강하게 확정짓는 반학문적이자 반민족적인 연구라는 것을 밝히는 것에 목적이 있다.

The theory that "Mimana Nihon-fu" existed in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula is generally widely known as an abandoned theory that is not recognized by both Korean and Japanese academia. However, it is known to the general public that the promotion team, which is recently pushing to join the Gaya Ancient Tombs to UNESCO as a national project, has designated several regions in the South, including "Gimun," "Daesa" and "Banpaguk," which appear in "Nihon Shoki (The Chronicles of Japan).“ “Nihon Shoki (The Chronicles of Japan)” is a book full of manipulated content. People, events, and local names that do not appear in “History of the Three Kingdoms” appear only in “Nihon shoki (The Chronicles of Japan)”. The contents are records of ancient Japan maintaining to occupy countries on the ancient Korean Peninsula. It is an old lie. But historian professors teaching at universities and graduate schools in South Korea follow the views of Japanese imperialist historians in the record that Empress Jingu conquered Silla in the 4th century 369, subdued Baekje, and conquered the seven Imna countries. They wrote that Empress Jingu's 49-year record in "Nihon shoki (The Chronics of Japan)" is 249, but scholars with a Japanese imperialist colonial perspective add 120 years to 249 years and they make 249 year into 369 year. After making it, the war that took place in the 4th century, they interpreted that the war of conquest took place in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. However, the events recorded in "Nihon Shoki (The Chronicles of Japan)" happened in the "Japanese Islands," not in the "Korean Peninsula." Goguryeo, Baekje, Silla, and Gaya (Imna), which appear in “The Chronicles of Japan”, are the names of small countries created by migrants from each country who crossed from the Korean Peninsula to the Japanese archipelago. North Korean scholars Kim Seok-hyung and Cho Hee-seung argued that Goguryeo, Baekje, Silla, and Gaya (Imna), which appear in "Nihon Shoki (The Chronicles of Japan)," were the names of small countries created by migrants from each country who crossed from the Korean Peninsula to the Japanese archipelago. Therefore, according to their claims, the conflicts that the "Banpaguk" and "Baekje" caused to occupy the "gimun" and "Daesa" territories were also events that occurred in the "Japanese archipelago." In other words, "Nihon Shoki (The Chronicles of Japan)" is a record of people and countries in the "Japanese Islands," not the "Korean Peninsula." Japanese historians with a Japanese imperialist perspective argue that the Yamato Japanese regime in Osaka, Japan, unified the entire western Japanese archipelago in the 4th to 5th centuries, then advanced to the southern part of the Korean Peninsula and conquered it. And the historical community centered on university professors in South Korea is also following the claims of Japanese imperialist historians. Korean people all call them 'colonial historians with a Japanese imperialist perspective'. All researchers including North Korean historians Kim Seok-hyung, Cho Hee-seung, and South Korean Choi Jae-seok against "colonial historians," have proven through the analysis of "Nihon Shoki (The Chronicles of Japan)" and the analysis of ancient relics in Japan that their argument is right. Kim Seokhyung and Cho Hee-seung argue that the claim of "colonial historians" is wrong. They claim that Goguryeo, Baekje, Silla, and Gaya (Imna) written in "『Nihon shoki (The Chronicles of Japan)』" were the branch small coutries created by migrants from their home countries in Korean peninsula to Japan. This article argued that ‘Banpaguk’, ‘Baekje’, ‘Gimun’, and ‘Daesa’ were in Japan recorded in “Nihon Shoki (The Chronicles of Japan)” according to Kim Seok-hyung and Cho Hee-seung's theory.

1. 머리말

2. 북한 가야사 학자 김석형, 조희승의 관점으로 본 남한 가야사학계 비판

3. 북한 가야사학자 김석형, 조희승의 기문, 대사, 반파국 일본열도 위치비정

4. 맺음말

