최근 검색어 전체 삭제
中國學 第79輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널


Study on Quoting Shuowen Jiezi Items of Wuche Yunrui

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2022.79.79.1
  • 9

东汉许慎『说文解字』是中国历史第一部构建汉字形音义体系的字典。众多经典古籍视『说文解字』训释内容为重要依据,引用『说文解字』内容以注疏成为一种常见的治学手段,对各类文献中引『说文』材料文本内容分析研究,有助于探求『说文』原貌,探究汉字发展规律。『五车韵瑞』是明朝史学家凌稚隆所着的非官修类书。书中大量引用文献古籍材料训释字义。其中,半数以上字头引用『说文解字』内容对字头字释义以示汉字初义。 本文以『五车韵瑞』引『说文解字』释义内容为考察对象,在穷尽式的收集『五车韵瑞』引『说文』释义材料的基础上,以大徐『说文解字』为比照对象,比较分析凌稚隆『五车韵瑞』引『说文』释义内容与大徐󰡔说文󰡕释义内容,校订两书的讹误脱漏之处,分析释义不同的原因,找出汉字的意义演变过程和规律。

Shuowen Jiezi compiled by XU Shen is the first dictionary in China to systematically explain meaning of character, decompose font and distinguish pronunciation of words. The book shows a variety of Chinese fonts before the Eastern Han and records ancient sound materials and culture of Chinese character. Scholars of all dynasties attaches great importance to Shuowen Jiezi after the publication of Shuowen Jiezi. A lots of classic ancient works regard the explanatory notes of Shuowen Jiezi as an important basis, and quote the content of Shuowen Jiezi to annotate has become a common method of academic research. Analysising and Researching content of the materials quoted from Shuowen Jiezi in all kinds of literature is helpful to explore the original appearance of Shuowen and the development law of Chinese characters. Wuche Yunrui is a non-official encyclopedias book compiled by Ming’s historian LING Zhilong which collected and collated classic words, poems and allusions to become an important tool for ancient literary creation to select words and allusions and rhyme couplets. Arrangement of Wuche Yunrui is following the rhyme. That is each word and allusion is collected into each rhyme according to the rhyme at the end of the word, and fully explainning the meaning, pronunciation and font of the first word of each rhyme. Wuche Yunrui widely quotes many ancient literatures and materials such as Shuowen Jiezi, Erya, Shiming, Guangyun, Yupian, Jiyun to definite the first word of rhyme, among which quotes the most from Shuowen Jiezi. This study takes definition content of Shuowen Jiezi quoted by Wuche Yunrui as the research object. On the basis of exhaustively collecting the definition materials of Shuowen quoted by Wuche Yunrui, taking current version of XU Xuan’s Shuowen Jiezi as the comparison object, the paper compares the definition materials of Shuowen quoted by Ling Zhilong’s Wuche Yunrui with current version of XU Xuan’s Shuowen Jiezi, corrects the errors and omissions of this two books, analyzes the reasons for the different definitions, and finds out meaning evolution process and law of Chinese characters.

1. 绪论

2. 『五车韵瑞』引『说文解字』释义的基本情况

3. 『五车韵瑞』引『说文』材料与大徐『说文解字』对比研究

4. 『五车韵瑞』引『说文解字』的特点及校勘价值
