최근 검색어 전체 삭제
中國學 第79輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널


On the Cognitive Characteristics of Chinese Catchphrase “Bei xx” Structure

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2022.79.79.3

近年来,汉语流行语模式中出现了“被xx”结构。与传统的“被”字结构相比,“被xx”这一流行语模式不仅在形式上,而且在意义上都具有特殊性。毫无疑问,这是一种复杂的语言现象,在其产生过程中涉及各种语言和非语言因素。随着这一特殊结构使用的改进,人们对其产生和解释的过程进行了深入的研究。本文在模因论和顺应论的理论框架下,创造性的构建了一个模因顺应模型,对流行语模式“被xx”的产生和解释过程进行了全面的阐释。随后,介绍了这种特殊结构的交际效果。在定性分析的基础上,以互联网上流行语“被xx”的一些材料为数据,得出了一些结论。 第一,为了实现或接近交际目的,语言的选择导致了流行语模式“被xx”的产生。之所以可以选择这种结构,是因为语言具有可变性、可协商性和适应性。此外,在选择过程中,流行语模式“被xx”与语境和结构对象相适应,体现了顺应的动态性,达到了突出话语的目的。第二,汉语新型新词“被xx”结构之所以能够谋生,是因为不断的选择将其变成了一个模因,然后,它得到了从一个宿主到另一个宿主的不断复制和传播,因此,作为一个强大的模因在适应中幸存下来。第三,汉语新型新词“被xx”结构因其具有创造性和高效性而受到公众的高度重视,这种结构不仅能用简洁、全面的词语在各种场合吸引注意力,而且能揭示真实的事实这也是这种结构的交际效果。

In the past, the research on the new “Bei” structure mainly focused on its language form, usage and rhetorical function, but there is still a lack of in-depth discussion on its formation mechanism and development trend. Based on the analysis of media corpus, this paper discusses the characteristics of the new “Bei” structure from the perspective of cognitive pragmatics. We believe that the new “Bei” structure is a deviation from the prototype of “Bei” structure in the idealized cognitive model. Its emergence has its cognitive motivation and pragmatic motivation: language users use this language form to realize the cognitive prominence of some negative behaviors, and express their communicative intention in this economic way. The formation process of this structure is also the pragmaticization of the cognitive ability of language users, but with the increase of frequency, this structure gradually appears the trend of departure and lexical chunking. The results of this study are helpful to deepen our understanding of the new “Bei” structure, and it is also a supplement to the study of “Bei” sentences.

1. 绪论

2. 流行语“被xx”结构的语言选择

3. 流行语“被xx”结构的认知语用解读

4. 流行语“被xx”结构模式

5. 流行语“被xx”的交际效果

6. 结语
