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KCI등재 학술저널

Laser Source 특성 분석을 통한 Low Depth Marking 공법 연구 및 고찰

A Study on the Low Depth Marking Method through Laser Source Characteristic Analysis

DOI : 10.6117/kmeps.2022.29.2.065
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Mobile PKG Trend는 소형화와 더불어 고용량 제품 요구로 인해 Mold Top Margin 감소가 불가피한 상황이다. 하지만 기존 Laser Marking 공법은 Depth가 깊어 Narrow Top Margin 제품에 적용할 때 중첩 가공에 의한 PKG 강도 저하가 예상되며, Chip Damage와 같은 품질 불량으로 신뢰성이 저하되는 문제점이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 Laser Source 특징 비교를 통해 Narrow Top Margin 제품에 대응할 수 있는 Low Depth Laser Marking 기술을 확보하였으며, PKG 개발 제품에 해당 기술을 적용하여 평가한 결과 Marking Depth 67% 감소와 PKG 강도 12%가 향상됨을 검증하였다. 또한 PKG Mechanical 분석을 통해 발생 가능한 Laser Damage 품질 검증을 진행하였고, Chip Damage(Crack/ Chipping) 불량은 발견되지 않았다. 이를 통해 양산 적용 품질 안정성을 확보하였다.

In the case of Mobile PKG Trend is in a situation where a decrease in Mold Top Margin is inevitable due to its miniaturization and high capacity product requirements. However, conventional laser marking technology has an average depth of deep, and when applied to narrow top margin products, PKG strength is expected to decrease due to overlapping processing, and reliability is reduced due to poor quality such as chip damage due to laser exposure. Therefore, we have secured the technology through research on low-depth laser marking solutions that can accommodate narrow top margin products. As a result of the evaluation of applicable technology application for PKG development products, it was verified that the marking depth decreased by 67% reduced and the PKG strength increased by 12%. Furthermore, the quality verification of Laser Damage that can occur through PKG Mechanical analysis was performed, and no Chip Damage defects were found. This ensured the stability of mass production application quality.

1. 서 론

2. 본 론

3. 결 론

