최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.7 No.3.jpg

The U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan

The U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2022.7.3.1

The incident of 9/11, by and large, brought great changes in international politics. The US-led War on Terror (WOT) against the culprits involved in the 9/11 incidents caused irreparable damage to Afghanistan. Surprisingly, none of the perpetrators involved in 9/11 belonged to Afghanistan nor did the attacker Al-Qaeda have any genesis with the people of Afghanistan. The price Afghanistan paid in WOT is unimaginable that can never be compensated. Over the last two decades, the US-led war witnessed colossal war crimes of the people of Afghanistan. The country saw growing war crimes committed by the U.S. forces in the shape of the killing of innocent civilians, women rapes, abductions of innocent people, massacring of masses by drone strikes. The invasion of Afghanistan according to many experts was a geo-strategic move of the US in a bid to accelerate its presence in the region and to counter growing Chinese and Russian influence, keeping closed eyes on Pakistan nuclear assets. Having squandered twenty years, the US neither eliminated terrorism nor Taliban. Instead, Washington inked Doha agreement with the hardcore Taliban who are unfit and inexperienced to rule the country are expected to be espousing the U.S. trajectory in committing further war crimes. This paper, thus, will examine the US war crimes in war-torn Afghanistan in the last two decades.

1. Introduction

2. Background of the U.S. war crimes against indigenous American

3. Conclusion
