최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.7 No.3.jpg

Comparative Study of Nationalism and National Identity Paradigms between India and Pakistan

Comparative Study of Nationalism and National Identity Paradigms between India and Pakistan

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2022.7.3.11

Whether viewed from theoretical hypothesis or historical experience, nationalism and national identity are the two pillars during the process of nation-state building. After the “partition of India”, the nationalist forces of India and Pakistan have also grown stronger. At the same time, it has greatly influenced the national identity of the people of India and Pakistan and has had a profound impact on the process of nation-state building in India and Pakistan.

1. The rise and characteristics of Indian nationalism

2. The Rise and Characteristics of Nationalism in Pakistan

3. Comparison of Relationship Paradigms between Nationalism and National Identity in India and Pakistan
