최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.7 No.3.jpg

Behavior Logic of Burmese Army Taking over Power in 2021——Based on Cost-Benefit Analysis

Behavior Logic of Burmese Army Taking over Power in 2021——Based on Cost-Benefit Analysis

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2022.7.3.47
  • 4

Since Myanmar started the process of transforming its political system, the country has progressively developed a political structure of dual power centers (Diarchy), with the NLD and the military taking turns holding the reins of power. Both sides are engaged in what might be described as a a military-political game, and fight without breaking. However, on February 1, 2021, when the new federal parliament of Myanmar conducted its first meeting, the Myanmar military decided to take over the rule, and the country entered a one-year state of emergency, known as the "February 1" Incident. As a result of this action by Myanmar’s military, a political environment that was stable has been disrupted. The causes are discussed in academic circles. There are objective reasons that the development and changes of political environment at home and abroad have greatly reduced the political space of the Burmese army, and there are subjective reasons that Min Onlai’s personal political ambition or his fear of war crimes trial after retirement should not be underestimated. This instance of political power seizure has been researched by scholars. there is no dearth of explanatory power, yet there are still some flaws. Therefore, this paper based on a cost-benefit analysis conducted from the viewpoint of the Burmese military, that the cost of taking over the regime is less than its benefit. Therefore, when the net income is positive, there is a high probability of taking over the regime.

1. Research question

2. Existing explanations and comments on Burma’s military takeover of power

3. Research hypothesis

4. The "2.1" Incident of Myanmar Military in 2021

5. Analysis based on cost-benefit

6. Conclusion

