최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.7 No.3.jpg

Education for Improving Female’s Status in India

Education for Improving Female’s Status in India

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2022.7.3.69
  • 4

There are many things in India to be considered as embodiments, like nation and rivers, etc. Especially in Indianism, there are many “Goddesses” worshiped, like Shakti (power Goddess), Saraswati (knowledge Goddess), Prithvi (earth Goddess), Patri (night Goddess), Laxmi (treasure Goddess). Generally speaking, there are lots of beautiful words to describe women while it is a large group in India, so female should deserve same status in society as male having got. However, there exists gender-biased disparities in Indian society, such as education neglected, economic rights deprived, etc, which has negative impacts on female socioeconomic status and creative roles in society. Therefore, Indian government tries to adopt all kinds of measures, for instance, consider education as the strong tool and medium to change the situations faced by female who is the weak group in the evolution of Indian society. But the traditional patriarchy mindsets and caste divisions, such as strong socio-cultural and religious preference for boys, are still strongly entrenched in Indian society, which cannot be challenged and eradicated in a short period of time. There is still much work to do for Indian government.

1. Framework

2. Literature Review

3. Conception

4. Challenges

5. Countermeasures

