환경주류화는 OECD DAC 환경네트워크의 주요 의제이며, 한국에 대한 세 차례 DAC 동료평가에서도 환경주류화 강화에 대한 권고가 매번 언급되어 왔다. 국제사회에서 환경주류화의 개념은 개발협력의 모든 의사결정에 환경 이슈를 통합(integration)하는 것으로 주로 정의된다. KOICA 환경주류화 개념 정의는 주로 발전적 접근(do-some-good) 보다는 예방적 접근(do-no-harm)을 취해 왔다. KOICA 직제규정(’06∼현재) 분석 결과, KOICA 환경 이슈 담당 부서는 글로벌이슈팀(’06), 환경여성팀(’07∼’08), 기후변화대응반(’09), 기후변화환경부 下 기후변화·환경1팀, 기후변화·환경2팀(’10), 기후변화대응실(’11∼’12), 기후변화환경실(’13), 녹색환경산업팀(’14), 기후환경팀(’15∼’16),기후환경실(’17∼’18), 사업전략기획실(’18∼’20), 기후감염병위기대응실(’20~)로 변화해 왔다. 이는 DAC 가입 준비기(’06∼’07), 녹색성장 이행기(’08∼’13), SDGs 전환기(’14∼’17), SDGs 이행기(’18∼), Post COVID-19(’20~)로 구분된다. DAC 가입 준비 일환 환경 세이프가드 제도를 도입(’09)하였고, 이를 보조하기 위해 환경담당관 제도(’11∼)를 운용하고 있다. KOICA 환경주류화 이행기반 강화를 위해 환경 분야 담당 조직 및 내부역량 강화를 고려할 수 있다.
Environmental mainstreaming was discussed in recent OECD DAC ENVIRONET meetings and also emphasized in the previous DAC Peer Reviews of Korea. Definitions of environmental mainstreaming could be classified mainly based on two approaches: “do-some-good” and “do-noharm.” While most internationally recognized definitions try to combine the two approaches, KOICA’s definition focuses on the “do-no-harm” approach._x000D_ Since 2006, according to its regulations on organization, KOICA has been through several organizational reshufflings. From an environmental perspective, it is divided into four major periods: pre-DAC-join period (2006∼2007), green growth implementation period (2008∼2013), transition to SDGs period (2014∼2017), SDGs implementation period (2018∼present) and Post COVID-19 (2020∼present)._x000D_ During these four periods, “environment” has been taken charge of by different units, which chronologically include the Global Issue Team (2006), Environment and Gender Team (2007∼2008), Climate Change Team (2009), Climate Change and Environment Department (2010), Climate Change Office (2011∼2012), Climate Change and Environment Office (2013), Green Growth and Industry Team (2014), Climate Change and Environment Team (2015∼2016), Climate Change and Environment Department (2017∼2018), Strategy and Policy Planning for Development Programs Department (2018∼2020), Climate Crisis & Pandemic Response Department (2020∼present)._x000D_ To accelerate its environmental mainstreaming, KOICA might consider integrating the “do-some-good” approach into its current definition of mainstreaming and enhancing internal capacity to deal with environmental issues.
Ⅰ. 서론_x000D_ Ⅱ. KOICA 환경주류화 기본개념_x000D_ Ⅲ. KOICA 환경주류화 이행기반_x000D_ Ⅳ. 타공여기관(AFD, GIZ) 사례 분석_x000D_ Ⅴ. KOICA 환경주류화 이행 강화를 위한 제언_x000D_ Ⅵ. 결론