최근 검색어 전체 삭제

A Study on Humanity Management: Theory and Model

A Study on Humanity Management: Theory and Model

  • 86

Purpose – This study presents a theory and model of humanity management with the research question of “Where should management head for new paradigms such as ESG, social value management, global environment, and digital innovation today?” Design/Methodology/Approach – This study was based on literature research. Existing related prior research was examined and used to formulate a theory on humanity management. The central concept discovered in previous research was “humanity” is concerned with humans in areas such as life, community, social responsibility, connection between people, empathy, sensibility, emotion, resilience, agility, good for business and profit, respect for humans and nature, ethics about nature and machinery, and interactions between technology and people. Findings – The result of this study is as follows. Humanity management model consists of three levels. The first is the ‘mission level’. Its core value is ‘life’. The second is the ‘management level’. At this level, ethical management, environmental management, and technological management are organically connected and integrated. The third is the ‘implementation level’. It consists of nine implementation strategies. Research Implications – This study is meaningful in that it attempted to theoretically establish humanity management as a new management paradigm. However, there is a limitation in that many variables were not considered in constructing the theory due to a lack of empirical studies as well as previous literature studies.
