최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management Vol.10 No.4.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

The Effect of Perceive Ease of Use, Perceive Usefulness and Perceive Risk towards Behavioral Intention of GO-FOOD Customer in Indonesia

The Effect of Perceive Ease of Use, Perceive Usefulness and Perceive Risk towards Behavioral Intention of GO-FOOD Customer in Indonesia

DOI : 10.20482/jemm.2022.10.4.25
  • 6

Purpose: Technology and innovation drive new mobile application for ojek online. Using the theory of technology acceptance model and perceived risk theory, the researcher wants to find how these factors affect user’s intention to use GO-FOOD that leads to technology adoption. Research design, data and methodology: The researcher uses GO-FOOD users that located in East Java, Indonesia for the object of study. Results: The findings of the research discovered that perceive usefulness and perceive ease of use do not significantly affect user’s behavioral intention while perceive risk is significantly affecting the user’s behavioral intention. Conclusions: The findings suggested that GO-FOOD or similar application should focus more on reducing or eliminating user’s perception of risk towards the mobile application

1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

3. Research Methodology

4. Results and Discussion

5. Conclusions

6. Limitation and Study Forward

