최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.8 No.1.jpg

Analysis on the Teaching Reform of Corporate Crime Investigation Corse Based on Chaoxing1 Teaching Mode

Analysis on the Teaching Reform of Corporate Crime Investigation Corse Based on Chaoxing1 Teaching Mode

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2022.8.1.97

Teaching through Chaoxing become a new direction and trend of the reform and development of corporate crime investigation teaching. Chaoxing is the product of the deep integration of Internet technology and education, the embodiment of the development of educational ideas and teaching methods to a new stage, and a very effective and practical teaching mode. The teaching mode of corporate crime investigation based on Chaoxing highlights students' dominant position and teachers' leading role, and realizes the reform and innovation of traditional corporate crime investigation teaching in teaching means, teaching process, teaching evaluation, etc., which makes students develop in the direction of active learning, deep learning and personalized learning.

1. The Significance of the Teaching Mode based on Chaoxing in the Investigation and Application of Corporate Crime Cases.

2. The Status Quo and Analysis of the Application of Chaoxing-based Teaching Mode in the Investigation of Corporate Crime Cases

3. The Path Exploration of the Application of Chaoxing-based Teaching Mode in the Investigation of Corporate Crime Cases

