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KCI등재 학술저널

통일교육매체에 관한 분석

Analysis on Unification Education Agent

  • 7

대한민국의 미래는 통일한국에 달려 있다. 이를 위해서는 부단한 준비와 노력이 필요하고, 여기에 가장 중요한 것이 통일교육이다. 통일교육은 국민들에게 통일을 이룩하는데 필요한 가치관과 비전을 심어주는 것으로, 통일환경·정책·과제 등이 중심 내용이 된다. 통일부는 정부의 통일에 관련된 모든 정책을 수립하고 집행하는 부서이고, 이중에서 통일교육을 전담하는 중요한 기관은 통일교육원이다. 본 논문은 통일교육지원법에서 규정하고 있는 통일교육매체를 분석하는 것이 주요 목적이다. 정부는 통일교육을 촉진하기 위하여 1999년 통일교육지원법을 제정하였고, 그 후 몇 차례 개정이 있은 후, 현재는 2009년에 개정된 법률이시행되고 있다. 여기에서는 통일교육협의회, 지역통일교육센터, 통일교육위원, 학교를 분석의 주요대상으로 삼았다. 바람직한 통일교육이 실행되기 위해서는 매체간의 유기적인 네크워크가 형성되어야 한다. 매체간 네트워크 연구에서는 통일관련 시민단체와 통일교육협의회와의 제관계, 통일부와 민주평화통일자문회의 사이의 통일교육 중복 문제를 살펴보았다. 통일교육지원내의 기관 간의 체계화와 지방자치단체의 협조문제에 대해서도 분석하였다. 학교통일교육은 모든 매체들과 연관이 되어있다.

The future of Korea depends on the unification of the Korean peninsular. Although much efforts and appropriate preparation are required for the unification, unification education is the most significant thing. The unification education with the core contents of unification environment·policy·task inculcates essential values and vision in making unification on people. The Ministry of Unification is the department in charge of planning and executing all of the government's unification-related policy and Education Center for Unification takes all responsibility for unification education. In order to foster unification education, the government enacted the Unification Education Support Act in 1999 and then, some revisions have been carried out. The current act is based on the 2009-revision. Unification education can be categorized to civic education and school education and the act regulates the general aspects of educational support. The characteristics of the 2009-revised Act are the insertion of the clauses about local government's responsibility and unification education committee as well as the revision of the clause related to school unification education promotion. The aim of this study is to analyze the unification education agent presented in the Unification Education Support Act. Council of committee for unification education, local unification education center, unification education committee and school are the main subject of this study and they are included in analysis objects. As the government changed, the media has experienced alteration in terms of importance and activity. For the desirable implementation of unification education, organic (close and cooperative) network must be installed among media. In the study on inter-media network, the various relationships between civic organizations and council of committee for unification education as well as the overlap problem between the Ministry of Unification and the National Unification Advisory Council are scrutinized. The systematization among bureaus in unifiation education support system and the cooperation problem of local governments are also analyzed. School unification eduction are relevant to all media.
