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Effects of Plant Spacing with Companion Plants on Growth and Fruit Quality of Cherry Tomatoes

Effects of Plant Spacing with Companion Plants on Growth and Fruit Quality of Cherry Tomatoes

DOI : 10.11628/ksppe.2022.25.4.349

Background and objective: This study was conducted to identify various factors of plant spacing for the growth and fruit quality of cherry tomatoes and to contribute to urban agriculture by improving quality and providing appropriate fertilization methods. Methods: French marigold (Tagetes patula, T), zinnia (Zinnia elegans, Z), spearmint (Mentha spicata, M), and basil (Ocimum basilicum, O), which have a combination effect with cherry tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum), were selected and tested by applying 10, 20, and 40 cm of plant spacing. Cherry tomatoes were planted in the middle of the furrow without companion plants, repeated three times for each experimental section. The growth survey included plant height, stem thickness, total number of fruits per plant, total fresh weight of fruits, fruit hardness, sugar content, and vitamin C. The inorganic constituents of plants were divided into roots, stems, and leaves. Results: There were statistical differences in stem thickness and total number of fruits per plant. However, there were no statistical differences in plant height, total fresh weight of fruits, sugar content, fruit hardness, and vitamin C. Stem thickness was lower in M20, M40, O20, and O40 compared to the control group. The total number of fruits per plant was higher than the control group in only Z40. The inorganic constituents of cherry tomatoes showed statistical significance. After the experiment, the highest sodium content was found in Z40. Conclusion: This study was conducted to provide convenience in soil and crop management by analyzing various factors to find out the effect of companion plants and plant spacing on the growth and fruit quality of cherry tomatoes. As a result, the most effective way to improve growth and quality of cherry tomatoes is to plant them with zinnia within 40 cm of plant spacing.


Research Methods

Results and Discussion


