최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第98輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널


A Japanese-Korean Contrastive Study on Abbreviations for Highly Frequent Loanwords in Newspaper Editorials: Based on a Nine Year (from 2013 to 2021) Survey


In this study, we investigated newspaper editorials written in both Japanese and Korean languages, and the results of a nine-year survey of extracting foreign words from editorials revealed the following. First, in the quantitative analysis of abbreviations in the top 100 words, there are 17 Japanese words and 8 Korean words, and 5 words are the same in both languages. Comparing the two languages, Japanese uses abbreviated foreign words, but Korean uses Chinese characters, Hangul, and pure foreign words without abbreviations, while Japanese uses more abbreviated words. It turns out that there are many examples. Next, as for abbreviation methods, suffix abbreviation is the most common in both languages. Pairs of abbreviated words and root forms were also found, and a common feature was seen in both languages that the total number of abbreviated words was overwhelmingly larger than that of the original forms. From the aspect of word structure, we analyzed hybrid words attached to abbreviations. Japanese has a slightly higher proportion of mixed words, while Korean has a higher proportion of foreign words. In addition, it became clear that kanji words accounted for a large part in both languages.

1. はじめに

2. 先行硏究

3. 新聞社説の調査槪要

4. 抽出した外来語の槪觀

5. 高頻度外来語の特徵

6. 短縮語の特徵

7. まとめと今後の課題
