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日本語文學 第98輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

일본고전문학과 성지순례

The Japanese Classic Literature and Pilgrimages: The Layered Structure of Historic Site Relating to The Tale of Geji

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2022..98.014

The city of Uji has provided various policies relating to the tourism culture relating to The Tale of Genji. In this article, I discuss issues in such tourism policies, especially those pertaining to ‘Uji Jujo Historic site’. The present study starts with the question of what types of ‘New Tourism Business’ the tourism strategies of Uji concerning ‘Uji Jujo Historic site’ correspond to. That is, I try to explicate the relation among ‘Uji Jujo Historic site’, the cultural tourism, the content tourism, and pilgrimages. More concretely, I focus on the issues of pilgrimages in The Tale of Genji by exploring Sugawara-no Takasue-no Musume’s experience of staying in Uji described in Sarashina Nikki, the concrete situations of ‘Uji Jujo Historic site’, and the original animation. I have revealed that the tourism strategies of Uji are a typical example of ‘cultural tourism’ enriched with some elements of ‘content tourism’, and that they are conceived of not only as the ‘pilgrimage’ relating to the literary work but also as the ‘anima pilgrimage’ relating to the original animation. In a nutshell, I clarify the following layered structure: The Tale of Genji as a literary work is the object of ‘culture tourism’ and ‘pilgrimage’, whilst The Tale of Genji as a cultural content is the object of ‘content tourism’ and ‘pilgrimage’.


1. 머리말

2. 본론

3. 결론

