최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第98輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

검열자와의 소통 공간으로서의 일기

Diaries as a Space where One Communicates with Reviewers: Focussing on the Diary of a Male Student in Daegu Public Secondary School in the 1930s

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2022..98.019
  • 31

A diary that records the everyday life of an individual and his/her thoughts is not only a significant record of his/her life but also serves as a text with which the people of the subsequent era consider the history of the individual in question. Since the 2010s, diaries have been an object of research in various domains, which indicates the value of diaries as a text. In previous studies, the notion of ‘an individual’ has been emphasised in connection with diaries, and diaries have been treated as ‘the record of an individual’ that is not accessible to other individuals. Diaries in the modern education of Japan, however, were written on the condition that they were reviewed by teachers, and they are thus different from the diaries as ‘the record of an individual’, which are written with the writer’s free will. That is, it would be reasonable to assume that the diaries in the modern education of Japan do not directly reflect the secrete aspects of life of an individual and his/her idea. In this article, I analyse the diary of a male student in Daegu from the perspective of communication with reviewers in colonized Joseon, and in so doing, I provide a new interpretation of students’ diary in a colonial era.

個人の日常や考えなどを記録した日記は、一個人の生の記録としてその意義を認めることができるのみならず、後世の人々にはその人が生きた時代の歴史を顧みる一つのテクストとしても読まれている。2010年代以降、様々な領域において日記が研究の対象として注目されてきたのは、日記が持っているそのようなテクストとしての価値が認められた結果であるといえる。 先行研究において日記は「一個人」という側面が強調され、他人が関与できない「個人の記録」として考察されてきた。しかし、近代日本の学校教育においての日記は、教師に見せて検査されることを前提に書かれたものであり、作成者の意志によって書かれた「個人の記録」としての日記のように、ある人物の内密な生活や考えが素直に書かれたものとして捉えることはできないと考えられる。 以上を踏まえて、本稿では、植民地朝鮮における検閲者との疎通という観点から大邱地域の男子生徒Aの日記を分析し、植民地時代の学生日記というテクストの新たな解釈を試みる。

1. 들어가며

2. 식민지 조선의 학생으로서 일기를 쓴다는 것

3. ‘남학생 일기’를 통해 본 대구공립고등보통학교의 체제와 일기의 특성

4. ‘남학생 일기’에 나타나는 검열자의 역할과 소통 양상

5. 나오며

