최근 검색어 전체 삭제
생성문법연구 제32권 제3호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

On Why-like How-questions in Korean

On Why-like How-questions in Korean

DOI : 10.15860/sigg.32.3.202208.383

This paper investigates a special type of ettehkey ‘how’-question in Korean (henceforth, R-ettehkey-questions), where the wh-expression is used to form a ‘why’-question. This paper aims to answer two questions: Is R-ettehkey licensed in the same manner as way ‘why’? and How can R-ettehkey-questions receive ‘why’- interpretations? In answering the first question, I propose that R-ettehkey combines with CAUSE-Op in a functional head F, forming a functional projection FP; the whole FP is externally merged in a position adjoined to TP; and R-ettehkey LF-moves from within that FP to Spec-CP to take scope. To resolve the second question within a compositional semantic framework, I propose to treat R-ettehkey as denoting a proposition and CAUSE-Op as denoting a function from propositions (construed as sets of events) to a causal relation between two events. On this semantic analysis, R-ettehkey- questions are interpreted as asking about what proposition p is such that a p-event is the CAUSE of the definite event in question.

1. Introduction

2. Some Parallels with Way ‘Why’

3. Ko (2005): External Merge of Way in Spec-CP

4. Base Position of R-ettehkey: Two Possible Views

5. A Compositional Semantic Analysis

6. Some Welcome Predictions

7. Concluding Remarks and Future Work

