최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한·일 ICT 산업의 대중국 무역 경쟁력 분석

A Study on the Trade Competitiveness of Korea and Japan to China in ICT Industry

DOI : 10.46396/Kjem..96.2
  • 44

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the trade structure and in terms of quality competitiveness of Koreaand Japan’s Information and communications technology(ICT) industry in comparison to that of China. Research design, data, and methodology: Indices such as Revealed Comparative Advantage(RCA) and RevealedSymmetric Comparative Advantage Index(RSCA) are used. Further, an Intra-Industry Trade (IIT) index is used to analyzequalitative changes in Intra-Industry trade of horizontal intra-industry trade, high-quality vertical items and low-qualityvertical items. Results: An analysis of export competitiveness through RSCA analysis showed that the Korean and Japanese ICTindustry’s competitiveness against China is strong, and its competitiveness is gradually improving. By classification, firstof all, in the case of Korea, it was found that parts, broadcasting apparatus, information apparatus, and communicationapparatus were in the order of competitiveness. In addition, the change in competitiveness in 2019 compared to2010 showed that the competitiveness of communication apparatus and information apparatus improved, but thecompetitiveness of broadcasting apparatus and parts weakened. In the case of Japan, the competitiveness of parts,broadcasting apparatus, and communication apparatus was found to be strong, but the competitiveness ofinformation apparatus was weak as they continued to show comparative inferiority. The change in competitiveness in2019 compared to 2010 showed that the competitiveness of information apparatus, communication apparatus, andparts improved, while only broadcasting apparatus weakened. Implications: This study has academic and political implications because it analyzes the changes in ICT tradecompetitiveness between Korea and Japan. However, there is a limitation of this study in that it did not considertrade competitiveness in terms of imports and the factors that determine trade.

1. 서론

2. 선행연구

3. 한·일 ICT 산업의 수출입 현황

4. ICT 산업의 분류와 연구방법

5. 분석결과

6. 결론

