최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

최한기『지구전요』도(圖)의 모사와 세계지명조사

A Survey on Images and World Place Names of Jigujeonyo by Choi, Han-gi

『지구전요』(地球典要)는 최한기가 저술한 세계 지리서로 지지(地誌) 12권과 지도 1권으로 편집되고 7책으로 나누어져 있다. 그런데 『지구전요』맨 뒤의 제7책 13권에 나오는 세계지도는 희미하여 잘 보이지도 않을 뿐 아니라 한자로 된 세계지명이 어디인지 알 수가 없으므로 이들 지도를 선명하게 다시 그리고 한글지명을 덧붙여 이해하기 쉽도록 하였다. 또한 『지구전요』에 수록된 1,500개가 넘는 세계 각지의 지명을 조사하여 데이터베이스를 만들었다.

Choi, Han-gi, a scholar who was interested in practical matters and science in the late Joseon dynasty, is known to collect and write lots of books. The Jigujeonyo(地球典要), a kind of geography over the world including a number of maps, a book on the world’s geography was written in 1857 when 55 year old Choi, Han-gi reached the peak in his academic life. It includes 12 chapters of regional geography(地誌), 1 chapter of maps(地圖) separated into 7 books. Many researchers have already written excellent theses on Choi, Han-gi’s life and his academic achievements. And yet, drawing of the astronomical phenomenon and Mappa Mundi(世界地圖) at the end of Jigujeonyo is difficult to understand because its original document is too worn to identify and also there’s little research to focus on those maps. Therefore, this thesis aims to redraw more clearly the maps and to translate 1,500 sites of the maps in Chinese character so that we can easily figure out the chapter.

1. 서론

2. 본론

3. 결론

