주한미군 기지 정치(Base Politics) 연구에 대한 검토
A Critical Review on Base Politics of the U.S. Military in South Korea
- 경희대학교 국제지역연구원
- 아태연구
- 제21권 제1호
- : KCI등재
- 2014.03
- 109 - 141 (33 pages)
이 글은 주한미군 기지와 캠프타운을 둘러싼 기지 정치(base politics) 연구를 비판적으로 검토하고 있다. 미국 사회과학계에서는 2000년대 초반 이래 해외 미군 기지의 유지와 관리에 대한 피주둔국과 주둔국 간의 관계를 다룬 기지 정치 연구가 대두되었다. 군사주의와 젠더의 관점에서는 정치학자 신시아 인로(Cynthia Enloe)의 연구와 캐서린 문(Katharine Moon)의 한국 기지 정치 사례 연구가 선구적이다. 이들은 미군 주둔 및 관리는 양측 행위자의 교섭의 정치이며, 기지 주변 성 산업은 남성 군인의 본능에 따른 자연스러운 결과가 아닌 정치의 산물이라는 것을 밝혔다.
This paper examines studies on base politics of the U.S. military bases and camptowns. Since the mid-2000s, studies on base politics(the relationship of U.S. military overseas to the host nations in terms of the establishment and management of the bases) have appeared in U.S. academia, questioning the imperialist nature of U.S. military overseas. In feminist academia, political scientists Cynthia Enloe and Katharine Moon have greatly influenced the discussions and critique of gendered militarism. They demonstrate that the existence of U.S. bases overseas is the product of political negotiation between the U.S. military authorities and the host governments, and thus the sex industry around camptowns is not based on male soldiers’ sexual nature but negotiations between two governments. In the meantime, the question of U.S. military bases in the Korean society has been discussed since 1945. The issues surrounding the question have included sovereignty, environment contamination, the unequal nature of SOFA, sex industry, and offsprings between soldiers and Korean women. In terms of perspective, there is indifference, or a dominant idea in which the station of U.S. soldiers is considered as necessary for national security and the sex industry around the camptowns is a necessary evil. There are also the anti-U.S. nationalist perspective and feminist perspective. Whereas anti-U.S. militarism has been evolved as kind of social movement during the 1990s, since the 2000s the systemic role of the Korean government in the camptowns and the regulation of women’s bodies has intensively been discussed. And it is noticeable that the camptown women more directly participate knowledge production as the form of oral life history, testimony, and autobiography. The increase of studies on geopolitical aspect of camptowns is another noticeable development. By exploring the contesting knowledges on the camptowns and U.S. military bases, I demonstrate the subjectivity and historicity of knowledge.
I. 서론
II. 미국 학계에서의 논의
III. 국내에서의 논의
IV. 요약 및 결론