군수리사지는부여에있는 백제의 절터 중에서 가장먼저 발굴된 곳이다. 石田茂作등은1935 ․ 36년2회에걸쳐발굴을실시하여중문지와목탑지, 금당지, 강당지가 남북일직선상에 배치된 1탑 1금당식 가람배치를 확인하고, 석조여래좌상과금동보살입상을비롯하여다량의기와와토기, 벽돌을 수습하는 성과를 올렸다. 그뒤 국립부여문화재구소에서 2005년부터2007년까지, 또2011년에재발굴을실시하여일제강점기에미처확인하지못한 새로운 정보를 얻게 되었다. 군수리사지에관한발굴성과는일제강점기는물론해방이후에실시된백제지역사원지연구의가장기초적인자료가되었고, 고고학이나미술사뿐만아니라건축사․역사학․보존과학․불교학등여러학문분야의관심사가 되었다. 백제를 비롯한 고대사원 연구에서 군수리사지와 출토 자료는반드시언급해야할필수자료지만각학문분야의성과가충실하게정리되지 못해 서로 공유되지 못하는 측면이 없지 않다. 이글은군수리사지에관한발굴성과에기초하여지금까지고고학이나미술사․건축사분야에서이루어진주요성과를정리하여그역사적․문화적가치를밝히기위해서작성하였다. 이를위해지금까지이루어진발굴보고서와데이터베이스자료, 주요한연구논문과비교자료등을다각도로 검토하여 주요 쟁점들을 드러내고자 한다. Ⅱ장에서는군수리사지가발굴된조사경위와일제강점기에조사된내용에 관한 기초적인 자료를 소개하였다. Ⅲ장에서는 금당지와 목탑지 등건물지를중심으로한개별유구에관한기존연구성과를정리하였다. Ⅳ 장에서는불상을비롯한불교조각과기와․벽돌등와전류를중심으로출토유물에대한논쟁점을정리하고주변유적과의관계에관해서도간략히언급하였다. 맺음말에서는이러한검토를바탕으로군수리사지가가진가치와 위상을 정리하였다.
This report attempts to arrange the research history of the major remains and relics excavated from the Temple Site in Gunsu-ri, Buyeo, with a view to promoting inter-academy studies on the results of the excavation of the site, which dates from the Sabi Period of Baekje (538-660). Chapter II introduces the background to the discovery of the temple site in Gunsu-ri, which was the first such site to be found in Buyeo during the Japanese colonial era, and its investigation process, and then summarizes the report that was published after the excavation and investigation, the academic report published after 1945, and the database material and re-written report on the excavated relics. Chapter III describes the research results and the issues related to the remains found at the center of the temple, including the main hall and wooden pagoda sites. Regarding the main hall site, this chapter introduces the issues related to a double stylobate, a foundation stone (found between the top and bottom stylobates), and a stylobate made of roof tiles; while, regarding the wooden pagoda, it explains the importance of studying the method of “mounding” the foundation soil, and discusses the presence of a steep road (to transport stones), an underground-style foundation stone (which supported the main pillar), and the method of installing the reliquaries. In addition, it explains which kinds of building remains need to be clarified and compared to other temples in Buyeo. Chapter IV covers the research results and issues related to the major relics excavated from this site in terms of art history, archaeology, and the history of architecture. In particular, it explains the significance of two Buddhist statues found at the site, namely the Pyrophyllite Stone Seated Buddha and the Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva, in terms of the history of sculpture in Korea; the importance of leaf decoration fragments made of clay; and the importance and issues related to convex roof-tiles and concave roof-tiles in terms of general roof tile studies in ancient East Asia. The temple site in Gunsu-ri exhibits the typical characteristics of a Buddhist temple that was built during the Sabi period of Baekje, and whose major remains and relics represent the universality of Baekje’s temples.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 일제강점기 발굴 경위와 관련 자료
Ⅲ. 가람중심부 유구에 관한 재검토
Ⅳ. 출토 유물에 관한 분석과 연구의 쟁점
Ⅴ. 맺음말