Due to the nature of medical practices such as expertise, secrecy and unbalanced access to the evidences, it is usually very difficult for the ordinary patients to be able to prove the medical staffs’ negligence and the causation. In this circumstances, despite some views claiming to shift the burden of proof to doctors, the theory of mitigating the burden of proof has been discussed to the balance of profits by adequate allocation of the parties’ burden to prove. The theory of mitigating the burden of proof appears as Common Knowledge rule and Res Ipsa Loquitor doctrine in the common law system and has been developed with and by the theory of probability, the theory of prima facie evidence, and the theory of factual presumption in the continental law system. As the 93da52402 case marked a watershed, the courts applied the theory of factual presumption prior thereto and applied the theory of 93da52402 case and the factual presumption method together thereafter. The 93da52402 case is considered to have marked a significant milestone since, in order to presume the medical malpractice, the patients need to prove only the medical staff’s negligent act in treatment, on the other hand, in order to counter such presumption, the medical staffs need to prove (further to the mere disproof), the actual cause to the incidence, which in conclusion could be said that the burden of proof was shifted as a matter of fact. However, 93da52402 could be criticized that it might be able to greatly hinder the organic connectivity with the causation and, the Supreme Court still keeps silence in defining the meaning of “the medical staffs’ medical negligent act in terms of the ordinary persons’ commonsense,” which keeps it hard for the lower courts to have a clear and consistent standard.…
. 서론
. 의료과오소송에서의 증명책임
경감의 필요성
1. 의료행위와 의료과오
2. 의료행위의 특성과 의료과오
증명의 곤란성
3. 소결
. 의료과오소송에서의 증명책임
경감에 관한 이론적 논의
1. 의료과오소송에서의 청구원인과
증명의 대상
2. 증명책임 분배에 관한 원칙
3. 증명책임 경감에 관한 여러 논의
4. 소결
. 의료과오소송에서의 원고의
증명책임 경감에 관한 판례의 변천
1. 개관
2. 93다52402 판결 이전 종래의
판례 태도
3. 93다52402 판결의 등장 및 그에
대한 평가
4. 93다52402 판결 이후의 흐름
. 최근 5개년간 판례의 태도에 관한
비판적 고찰
1. 서설
2. 구체적 판결
3. 소결
. 결론