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KCI등재 학술저널

林乐知『文学兴国策』與朴殷植“兴学说” 比較研究

A Comparative Study on Young John Allen’s Wen Xue Xing Guo Ce and Park Eunsik’s “Xing Xue Shuo”

1873年,时任日本明治维新政府驻美公使森有禮(Mori Arinori, 1847-1889)在纽约编辑出版了介绍日本历史概略和美国近代教育制度的英文著作 Education in Japan。1896年,该书经在华美国传教士林乐知(Young J. Allen, 1836-1907)口译, 华人任廷旭笔述成汉译本『文学兴国策』在上海廣学会出版发行;該書的出版引起當时中国知识分子的極大兴趣,对晚清维新思想的酝酿起了积極影响;随着影响的扩大,该书出版後不久即随其他书籍一同传入韩半島;1901年,韩国近代启蒙思想家朴殷植参考汉译本『文学兴国策』编写“兴学说”,上书“大韩帝国学部”。他在“兴学说”中痛陈朝鲜末期社会的颓废现状,为国家存亡敲响警钟,提出改革国家的方案。列举西方尤其是美国的教育制度,提出了针对朝鲜當时教育现状的革新建议;朴殷植的“兴学说”作为朝鲜末期第一個教育改革方案,对於韩国近代教育制度的形成具有先驱意义。 本论文从“译介学”角度出发,以1896年林樂知編輯翻譯的晚清教育革新方案『文学兴国策』和朴殷植“兴学说”为研究对象,通过分析两部作品的相互聯繫與異同,考察晚清汉译西书在近代韩国的传播和接受过程,揭示汉译西书在打破语言障碍促进中韩文学交流中的重要作用。本論文系首次針對林樂知與朴殷植兩部作品進行關聯性研究,具有一定的積極意義。

In 1873, Mori Arinori(1847-1889) was the Minister of the Meiji Restoration Japan government in the United States. The same year, Education in Japan, an English book of modern American educational system and a brief history of Japan was edited and published in New York by Mori. In 1896, The Chinese translation of the book was translated by American Missionary Young John Allen(1836-1907) and Chinese Ren Tingxu, and was published in Shanghai named as Wen Xue Xing Guo Ce; The publication of the Chinese version aroused great interest of the Chinese intellectuals at that time, and had a positive influence on the brewing of the reform thought in the late Qing Dynasty. With the expansion of the influence, the book was introduced into Korea; In 1901, Korea’s Modern Enlightenment thinker Park Eunsik(1859-1925) reference the Chinese version and wrote an article named as “Xing Xue Shuo” submitted to the Imperial Educational Ministry of Korea Empire. He combines the concept about survival of the fittest, and the decadent situation of Korean society at that time in the paper, and combining the merits of the western education system, especially American education system, puts forward proposals for reforming the education of Korea Empire; Park Eunsik “Xing Xue Shuo” as the first Dynasty of Korean education reform program that has significance on the formation of pioneer modern educational system in korea. This paper is the first to study Young J. Allen and Park Eunsik’s two works. So it has positive significance.

Ⅰ. 绪论

Ⅱ. 从Education in Japan 到文学兴国策

Ⅲ. 『文学兴国策』在韩国传播的内外要因

Ⅳ. 从『文学兴国策』到“兴学说”

Ⅴ. 结论
