최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Safety and Crisis Management  Vol.12 No.7.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

Analysis of Disaster Characteristics and Measurement of Disaster Resilience in Korea

Analysis of Disaster Characteristics and Measurement of Disaster Resilience in Korea

DOI : 10.14251/jscm.2022.7.21

Recently, in the paradigm of disaster management, resilience is being discussed as the ability to minimize negative impacts from disasters and return to the original state after disasters. Accordingly, the core goal of the disaster management policy is also changing to minimize damage from disasters and to build a society with maximum recovery capacity based on the concept of resilience. In addition, there are various discussions about how to quantify resilience. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of disasters in Korea and measure the disaster resilience cost index using the disaster resilience cost and exposure factors. Quantification of resilience is possible with the concept of resilience cost, which can be expressed as the sum of system impact and total recovery effort. In this study, the resilience cost index is measured for each province, and based on the measured resilience cost and resilience characteristics, a disaster response system suitable for the characteristics of the region is prepared.


Theoretical Background


Characteristics of Disasters in Korean and Resilience Measurement



