최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

단독형 CO 가스 경보기와 화재감지 신호를 연동하여 방재 장치와 보조 배터리 전원을 제어하는 캠핑카용 화재 수신기 시스템의 개발

Development of Fire Receiver System for Camper on Controling Disaster Prevention Device And Auxiliary Battery Power by Linking Standalone CO Gas Alarm And Fire Detection Signal

DOI : 10.29279/jitr.2022.27.3.97
  • 125

A receiver capable of detecting and providing alerts about fire and CO gas during camper van accidents and operating a disaster prevention device was developed. The function of the proposed disaster prevention device was verified by designing and testing a receiver for fire detection. It includes a function for controlling windows and ventilation fans by interlocking a fire signal and a stand-alone CO gas alarm and cutting off the auxiliary-battery power. The proposed camper fire-detection receiver is considered a primary model in the development of additional disaster prevention facilities for campers considering that there are currently no commercialized products.
