최근 검색어 전체 삭제
사회언어학 제30권 3호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

간판 언어에 대한 언어 정책적 연구

A Study of Language Policy on Typography of Signboard

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2022.30.3.01
  • 130

The purpose of this study is to examine the typography of the language used on signboards with a focus on the typographical norms and to make policy recommendations that consider exactly which factors are evaluated when approaching this 'signboard language' as a target of language policy. most of the studies related to signboard language have classified signboard language as an object of purification based on the actual condition survey of signboard language using quantitative research. This study takes a different approach to try and examine which factors should be considered before classifying signboard language as an object of purification in the normative aspect. To this end, this study investigated the actual condition of signboard language markings on the Hangeul Sign Street in Insa-dong and interviewed a business owner who had experience signboard posting. Through the interview with the business owner, the producer of the signboard language, this study was able to find clues about the value of sign language-related transcription norms to the business owner and the direction of the language policy on the signboard language. In an interview with the sign language owner I tried to find clues about the value of the signboard language and the direction of the language policy toward the signboard language and looked at various factors to consider.

1. 머리말

2. 이론적 논의

3. 인사동 문화의 거리 간판 언어 양상

4. 간판 언어에 대한 사업주의 인식

5. 간판 언어에 대한 언중의 인식

6. 결론

