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사회언어학 제30권 3호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

사회문화적 관점에서 본 인공지능 시대의 영어 교사 교육

Educating English Teachers in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Sociocultural Perspectives on the Necessity of and Prospects for Technology-Driven Change in Teacher Education

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2022.30.3.09
  • 278

This study explores the ways in which sociocultural perspectives on English language education can contribute to teacher education the era of artificial intelligence (AI). Three key words that represent the relationship between sociocultural perspectives and English teacher education—context, interaction, and social practice—can each be linked to the key concepts of criticality, multimodality, and action research. Teachers of English need to be ready for the forthcoming changes in the AI era, for which they must be equipped with a critical ability to focus on issues and needs in the Korean context. This ability can be applied in teaching students various types of interactions, especially those involving the use of computers, and will create opportunities for teachers to conduct research of their own and cultivate a professional teacher identity. This study concludes by recommending substantial changes in the current pre-service and in-service English teacher education programs in accordance with these key concepts.

1. 서론

2. 사회문화적 관점에서 본 영어 교사 교육

3. 인공지능 시대의 영어교사교육

4. 변화를 위한 제안

