A Study on the Development of the Augmented Reality's Maintenance and Repairs Related Safety Manual according to the Risk Analysis of Power Equipment
A Study on the Development of the Augmented Reality's Maintenance and Repairs Related Safety Manual according to the Risk Analysis of Power Equipment
- International Journal of Human & Disaster
- vol.7 no.2
- : KCI등재후보
- 2022.09
- 21 - 30 (10 pages)
Purpose: The complexity and safety of power facilities have increased very rapidly, yet efforts are insignificant in ensuring safety according to risks. Hence, the purpose of is, in order to help prevent safety accidents in advance, risk factors are listed through the risk analysis of power facilities, and to develop an augmented reality safety manual according to the improvement of risk scales to ensure the safety by conducting pre-simulation in the field and taking prompt response at the accident site. Method: By enumerating the risk factors simultaneously with the causal analysis for the failure together with the impact of the failure mode of the components forming the power generation facility system for which the design failure mode effect analysis(DFMEA) technique is applied, and by developing the augmented reality (AR) based software’s for maintenance and repairs based on the details of improvement as per the level of risk (RPN), the methodology for maintenance and repairs is presented due to the expansion of the infectious diseases in the era of contactless. Results: The development of augmented reality system(software) for maintenance implements the 2D and 3D facility exploded view and work manual, etc., which enable the actual work processes to be performed across various field environments according to emergency situations of power facilities, and the big data based field data, and through acquisition, it would be possible to establish a precision standard maintenance platform. Fur-thermore, it is expected to have the effect of reducing the costs for accident prevention and maintenance work, and increasing the quality and quantity. Conclusion: Through this study, the safety of electric power facilities and a preventive method in emergency situations are presented. The software development through augmented reality(AR) through the Design Failure Mode Effect Analysis(DFMEA) can help prevent accidents and implement condition based maintenance plans in an integrated system, and hence, a high efficiency can be expected. It is considered that accuracy, reliability, and safety improvement are required in future papers through the addition of risk points and continuous develop-ment of diagnostic algorithm libraries.
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Consideration of the Reliability Engineering
4. Conclusion
5. References
6. Appendix